Ntpc green energy IPO GMP, Review, Price, Date, Latest IPO Details


Our Company was incorporated on April 7, 2022 We are a wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC Limited, a ‘Maharatna’ central public sector enterprise.

Our NTPC Limited  Green Portfolios 

  • Solar Power
  • Wind Power
  • Floating Solar Power
  • Energy Storage
  • Hybrid Power
  • Green Hydrogen

We are the largest renewable energy public sector enterprise (excluding hydro) in terms of operating capacity as of June 30, 2024 and power generation in Fiscal 2024.

portfolio encompasses both solar and wind power assets with presence across multiple locations in more than six states which helps mitigate the risk of location-specific generation variability.

Our operational capacity was 3,071 MW of solar projects and 100 MW of wind projects across six (6) states as of August 31, 2024.

We are strategically focused on developing a portfolio of utility-scale renewable energy projects, as well as projects for public sector undertakings (“PSUs”) and Indian corporates.

Our projects generate renewable power and feed that power into the grid, supplying a utility or offtaker with energy.

For our operational projects, we have entered into long-term Power Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) or Letters of Award (“LoAs”) with an offtaker that is either a Central government agency like the Solar Energy Corporation of India (“SECI”) or a State government agency or public utility.

We measure the rated capacity of our plants in megawatts in alternate current (AC).

Rated capacity is the expected maximum output that a power plant can produce without exceeding its design limits. “Megawatts Operating” represents the aggregate megawatt rated capacity of renewable power plants that are commissioned and operational as of the reporting date.

“Megawatts Contracted & Awarded” represents the aggregate megawatt rated capacity of renewable power plants as of the reported date which include (i) PPAs signed with customers,
and (ii) capacity won and allotted in auctions and where LoAs have been received.

We are considered a partner of choice by many PSUs for fulfillment of their renewable energy development goals.

We have signed joint venture agreements to produce renewable power with Indian Oil Corporation Limited and  three other PSUs and have signed MOUs or term sheets with other PSUs/private corporates.

Operation and maintenance (“O&M”) services for our renewable energy projects are provided through thirdparty service providers. We have a strong focus on improving the operational efficiency of our plants. Towards that end, we are employing technologies including.

  • Robotic dry cleaning of photovoltaic (“PV”) arrays.
  • Drone photovoltaic thermography.
  • String Combiner Box (“SCB”) thermography.
  • Live dashboards for generation performance monitoring on our plant information server.
  • Mechanized module washing, vegetation removal.
  • CCTV Surveillance for plant security.
  • Module and string level I-V tracing.

Our Portfolio is concentrated in the resource rich states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, which have potential for renewable energy development .

we believe, sustained healthy levels of demand for renewable energy.

Our portfolio is also located across 7 other states in India, helping to counter the concentration risk of offtakers, primarily Central and State government agencies and state public utilities.


1. Investment in our wholly owned Subsidiary, NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NREL) for repayment/ prepayment, in full or in part of certain outstanding borrowings availed by NREL.
2. General corporate purposes.

Qualitative Factors

  • We are promoted by NTPC Limited, which has extensive experience in executing large- scale projects, longterm relationships with offtakers and suppliers and financial strength.
  • We have a Portfolio of 14,696 MWs solar and wind projects as of June 30, 2024 with diversification across geographies and offtakers.
  • Experienced team in renewable energy project execution and procurement as well as operating and maintenance.
  • Growing revenues along with strong credit ratings that enable a low cost of capital employed.
  • Experienced Management Team.

Ntpc green energy Comparison of Accounting Ratios with Peer Group Companies 

  • Adani Green Energy Limited.
  • ReNew Energy Global PLC.
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